Sunday, October 31, 2010

Friendship needs no words

*მეგობრობაც ისეთივე იშვიათი ნიჭია,როგორც პოეტობა.მეგობრობა მხოლოდ იმას შეუძლია ,ვისაც ძალძუმს ვინმე ან რამე უანგაროდ უყვარდეს…და მართლაც ამ უანგარობის გარეშე არავის არაფერი დიდი და შესანიშნავი არ შეუქმნია*კონსტანტინე გამსახურდია

Building  friendships takes time. Friendships  require self-disclosure so any friendship has risks, Talking and listening builds friendships. we say that have many friends but than what means best friend?it's mean that he\she's differents from all..we don't need words...100 thousand words but there is no result when we need helping hand..if you can't feel what he\she feels,if u can't understand what's pain,happiness than u can do nothing for them..nothing real..i have friends but the best is only one..she can does her best to me..can be by my side whenever she's ..whatever she does..Thank you all so much for all your support and great friendship you’ve given me. Without you , I don’t know what my life would be like… probably really boring! A special thanks to my best friend nati(bliku), you’re the best one ..thanks 

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